hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN
hero image of house for sale in Kokomo IN

Lindsay Mongosa

head shot of Lindsay Mongosa

Contact Me


Lindsay is a Kokomo native, graduating from Indiana University Kokomo in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. After college, Lindsay worked in a leading mobile technology industry for 10 years. This is when she realized her passion for customer service. More recently, Lindsay had her own mobile women’s fashion boutique. She enjoys getting to know people on an individual basis and thrives on building relationships. She’s very charismatic, and appreciates all walks of life. She married her husband in 2010, and they reside in western Howard County with two English bulldogs and two rescue kitties. Lindsay is a passionate animal activist, and even though she does not have human children, is very family-oriented.

Why real estate?

Lindsay has been an active member of the community for a number of years, and is so excited to be turning her focus towards real estate. With a passion for service in the Howard County area, Lindsay is ready to help with your home-buying and selling needs. As a proud member of the Apple Tree Realty family, Lindsay carries the values of hard work, integrity, and outstanding client service into everything she does.

Why She’s Different

Leveraging her experience as a success business owner, she is known for outstanding customer service, 24/7 availability, and using her negotiating skills with her clients’ best interest at heart. Lindsay believes strongly that it is her duty to represent her clients to the best of her ability, but also communicate throughout every step of the process armed with top notch information and market insight. If you are looking to work with someone who will go above and beyond, look no further!

Favorite Quotes

“To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” – Douglas Adams

“On my honor, I promise to aid in man’s quest for shelter, to recognize I’m not just in the business of houses, I’m in the business of dreams in the shape of houses. To disclose all illegal additions, shoddy construction, murders, and ghosts: and to put my clients’s needs before my own.” -Phil Dunphy from ABC sitcom Modern Family